Emery Little news

Meet the experts: Jennifer Curd, Business Administration Team Leader

By Jennifer Curd

Posted 7th May 2021

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

We’re aware that a lot of the time, the person whom you as a client come into regular contact with at Emery Little is your financial planner; the personal face of your investment plans and aspirations. But behind this knowledgeable face is a whole team of other specialists, applying their expertise and experience to inform, manage and support your financial plans. We feel we want you to ‘meet’ these people and give you a sense of Emery Little as a whole.

We’d like to introduce our Business Administration Team Leader, Jen Curd. With one daughter, two guinea pigs, a dog, two ponies, and a soon to be husband, she’s a one woman whirlwind.  

Over to Jen…

My first job in financial services was as a temp doing filing at an IFA firm. I was made a permanent employee within a month so I must have been doing something right. I went on to work for two IFA firms before starting at Emery Little.

In 2007, I was contacted about a vacancy at Emery Little. I knew the area where they were based very well as I’ve kept horses in Gaddesden since I was ten years old, so it felt like it was meant to be! 

I’m responsible for overseeing the business administration team. Our work includes all client related tasks such as placing investments and collating review documents. I’m also responsible for the development of my team and I am always on the look out for ways to improve our ways of working. I also include myself in that and I’m always looking for new things to learn. 

I enjoy forging relationships with my team and clients alike. I am a people person and love the interaction and I like to feel that I am making a difference. I believe many of the clients I speak to also value the relationship – over the years I’ve got to know many of them and they’ve got to know me. Not only do I know what’s going on in their lives but I understand what’s important to them and I hope that understanding is reflected in the help we give them. 

I really enjoy the challenges that the role brings as it is so varied and every day is different.

Work keeps me busy but so does life away from the office. 

I’m mum to Olivia, my 10 year old daughter, Marble and Coco the guinea pigs and Bentley the dog, who we re-homed in November 2019.

You’ll have gathered by now that I’m passionate about animals and this passion extends to the countryside. However you may not know that I have a National Diploma in Agriculture. I used to work on a farm and spent many of my youthful years milking cows.

Horses are my passion, and have been since I was five years old. I have a beautiful Connemara pony, who I’ve owned since he was four years old. We recently brought a Dartmoor Hill pony for my daughter, Olivia, who definitely shares my passion and love for animals. If you haven’t already guessed, I spend most of my spare time riding, around ponies, and at Pony Club with my daughter.

As if that’s not enough, we’re in the middle of planning our wedding and my partner, Dan, and I are due to get married next year. We’ve know each other since we were 16, so it’s been a long time coming!

In 2018, we bought a country cottage in our dream location, and just two minutes from the office. Three years later, we are currently still renovating the property! We’ll get there eventually.