While we have extensive experience helping bp employees and alumni optimise their benefits, Emery Little operates independently and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the bp group, including BP Pension Trustees Limited, on behalf of the BP Pension Fund. This allows us to provide objective, independent guidance focused solely on your best interests.

We understand and can help you shape your rewards and benefits into a clear financial plan for your life.

  • Starting at or moving on from BP?
  • Planning your retirement?
  • Confused about pensions and contributions?
  • Keen to discover how your salary and benefits can fuel a long-term financial plan?
  • Eager to turn your hard work into a long-term plan?

Live your life with purpose and peace of mind

You’ll be able to do just that with the support of our experienced, trusted Financial Planners

Plan your retirement

Prepare confidently for change

Make your salary work, long into the future

Make sense of your money

Man and boy playing in the sea

Thinking about retirement?

You’ll want to understand all the options available to you. Your dedicated Financial Planner will spend time thoroughly understanding your situation and discussing your hopes for the future, before advising you on your options and recommending a plan to support you in living your life the way you want to.

Looking at promotion, changing employers, retiring, or making a change to your lifestyle?

You’ll have a lot of questions. Luckily, with our many years’ experience – including two decades working with BP executives – we can offer answers specifically based on BP and its employee rewards package. Giving you the confidence to plan for the long term, and make that leap today.

Want to feel confident that your salary, pension and rewards will work for you long term?

With all the tools and experience and they have under their belts, our Financial Planners can give you exactly this confidence. Your dedicated Planner will get to know your hopes, dreams and aspirations, then design a financial plan and investment approach that will get you there – harnessing the specific rewards and benefits you get as a BP executive.

Not sure you’re making the right decisions with your pension or investments, and would appreciate an expert’s perspective?

Even the smallest financial decisions can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan in place or fully understand your options. Our qualified team will lend you all their expertise to help you navigate decisions and get clarity on what you really want your money to achieve.

Got a question?

If you’d like to know a bit more before you contact us, you may find answers to your questions here.

Are you officially affiliated with or endorsed by BP?

No, we’re not.

Our Chairman, Andy Little, first started working with BP executives in the early 90s having run pre-retirement seminars at BP in London and the South-East. Since then we’ve worked with many BP employees and executives and have become familiar with their benefits.

Nevertheless, our services and any information on this website aren’t officially affiliated with or endorsed by BP.

I have a question about my financial situation but how do I know if you can help me?

Let’s have a chat. A quick phone call should establish if we can help you. If we can’t, we’ll let you know. We may even be able to point you in the direction of someone who can help. If we can help, we’ll arrange a meeting with one of our Financial Planners to build a deeper understanding of your situation. We’ll explain what we do, how we’d help you and what we charge. From there you can decide if you want to work with us. Get in touch to arrange a chat.

Do you only advise BP employees?

We’ve worked almost exclusively with BP employees and executives for over 20 years.

As a result, we have plenty of experience of the salary and rewards available and the challenges faced. Because we’ve worked with so many BP executives over long periods, we have worked with them at different stages of their career. Promotions, looking at retirement or partial, considering moving to other companies or self-employment are just some of the life decisions and situations we’ve helped BP executives to navigate with confidence.

We’ve had new clients who don’t work for BP, referred to us by happy BP executives. If you aren’t a BP employee but would like to know a little bit more about our services, let’s have a chat. We may be able to help. If we can’t, we may be able to recommend someone who can.

Is there an opportunity to test your services before I commit?

Providing financial planning advice really only works best in the context of a longstanding relationship – that way we get to know your needs and can tailor a plan to them.

However, this commitment can be daunting. After all, who wants to commit to a long-standing working relationship without some evidence that it will meet your needs?

We offer an initial service for new clients; an opportunity to experience the advice we offer without making a long-standing commitment.

If, after an initial call, our financial planner believes that we can help you, and you want to proceed, we’ll develop a financial strategy tailored to your needs. In doing this, we’ll have at least two in-depth meetings with you, and through these, you’ll experience the way we work.

At the end of the initial service, we ask you if you’d like us to take the strategy to the next level, building the action plan and implementing this for you. It’s at this point that our relationship moves to a longer-term basis.

Some of our clients have shared their experience of working with us and their thoughts might help you to make up your mind.

The initial call is free and gives us the opportunity to give you an accurate price for the service, based on the details of your situation.

You’ll find more information here.

Do your clients need to live near your office?

No. Although we like to meet clients in person, we’re also used to meeting with them online, so geography isn’t an issue.

We’ve found that the financial planning process isn’t compromised. In many ways it helps us to illustrate some of the points we’re discussing by sharing documentation and screens more easily.

With changes in cross border rules and complexities introduced by overseas tax planning, we typically only work with UK residents or those who are soon to return to the UK for the long term.

What matters to you?

That’s an interesting question. We’re here to create better lives for our clients through expert life and financial planning. That really matters to us; so much so that we focus much of our employee training on developing this experience and skills.

We hold four values very close to our hearts – trust, clarity, connection and progress. We explain these here. If these matter to you, chances are we have a lot in common.

Are you regulated and what does that mean for me?

Yes. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our firm reference number is FRN 615762. Being authorised by the FCA means that we meet a range of requirements in order to operate. Without this authorisation, we wouldn’t be able to give investment advice.

Their rules and standards ensure we treat customers fairly, deliver appropriate products and services and put the protection of our clients before our profits and income.

Being authorised and regulated by the FCA also means that we have strict standards to meet if things do go wrong, so you can be reassured that if ever you have cause for concern, we will treat that with the utmost importance.

The vast majority of the products that we may recommend to you are also protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the scope of that can be found here.

Meet your team

We’re here to help you confidently navigate the financial decisions in life, with a clear plan in place.

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